Revive Stret Pasin scheme

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday 21st August, 2012

I CONGRATULATE Pe­ter O’Neill as prime minister of PNG.
He is our hope as his last government did much more than the previous regime.
One key initiative of the last government was to reintroduce the Stret Pasin Stoa Scheme (SPSS) with the National Development Bank (NDB) committing K130 million funding.
More than 4,000 Papua New Guineans have applied for the scheme, but sadly, I believe the concept has been shelved.
Now that O’Neill has been re-elected as prime minister, bring back the SPSS for the sake of the economically disadvantaged silent majority.
He has a good cabinet with Richard Maru, Sir Puka Temu and Tommy Tomscoll, to get this scheme going.
We want economic in­dependence to be free from daily financial burden.
We do not want to be spectators in our own land.

Willie Mel
Port Moresby