Mental health service continues

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THE Directorate of Social Change and Mental Health is working to ensure people can continue to access help because mental health service and support is also critical during the Covid-19 pandemic, directorate acting director Dr Uma Ambi says.
Dr Ambi said a strategic objective on the Covid-19 mental health and psychosocial support (MHPS) for Papua New Guinea this year was developed this month with the aim of building back PNG to a mentally healthy society and to have individuals become happy, wise and productive citizens.
She said that it was also important that all stakeholders worked together, hence, interventions were designed to strengthen partnership and collaboration.
The objectives for preparedness and readiness were:

  • STRENGTHEN our existing media and mental health network;
  • SETTING up four regional focal points with four psychiatrists taking leadership role and supported by 22 mental health nurses with virtual communication;
  • DISSEMIATE all relevant MHPS materials and pamphlets provided by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and locally produced;
  • THE directorate providing leadership to coordinate inter-sectoral approach at all levels;
  • WORK in line with the strategic operational plan developed and documented by the chief psychiatrist;
  • MENTAL health hotline (7907 4944) for mental health services;
  • BEAUTIFUL Mind Corner establishment; and,
  • SPECIFIC attention be given to vulnerable groups.

Dr Ambi said this year’s strategy involved two parts and the measures to be carried out in the second part would complement and strengthen the interventions of the first six months.
She said with the support of partners such as Theodist’s e-mental health was established to ensure there was ease of communication when travelling to provinces was restricted by the pandemic.
“The above strategic objectives will reduce suffering and improve the promotion of good mental health nationwide,” Dr Ambi said.
“This will ultimately alleviate our society from poverty and being productive individuals in the minds of the Covid-19 pandemic. This would scale-up of the Covid-19 MHPS response phases and all elements such as prevention, preparedness, readiness, response, and recovery and sustainable capacity.
“It is our desire that the outcome of these achievable short-term strategies would lead to long-term mental health achievements that enshrines the WHO’s objectives.”

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