Morauta joins Marape

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MORESBY North-West MP Sir Mekere Morauta has joined the Government to try to help rescue the nation from a struggling economy.
The former prime minister said that he had rescued the nation in 1999 from an economic crisis that the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led government had created.
And he is once again trying to do the same from another PNC-led government by playing a part in the Marape-Steven Government.
“I now announce my position to move across to join my colleagues in the prime minister’s camp. Discussions and consultations between the Opposition and prime minister’s team have been going on for the past two months,” Sir Mekere said.

Back from left: North Fly MP James Donald, State Enterprises Minister Sasindran Muthuvel, Finschhafen MP Rainbo Paita, Maprik MP John Simon and Daulo MP Pogio Ghate. Front: Northern Governor Gary Juffa, Moresby North-West MP Sir Mekere Morauta, Prime Minister James Marape, Namatanai MP Walter Schnaubelt at Parliament during Sir Mekere’s announcement to join the Government yesterday. – Nationalpic by Ekar Keapu

“Discussions on the way, we can help the Government to rescue the economy and last Tuesday resulted from that when my Opposition colleagues (Kavieng MP Ian Ling-Stuckey, East Sepik Governor Allan Bird, Namatanai MP Walter Schnaubelt, Northern Governor Gary Juffa and North Fly MP James Donald) moved across to the Government team.
“Why I come across now is because, first, I want to see the results in the political landscape that had taken shape first. And that bit of the landscape has been formed, so my decision to move across is based on that change in the political landscape and I’m happy to do that.” Sir Mekere said the economic situation of the country was like a ship almost sinking in rough seas.
“The sinking ship MV PNG is bailing out waters, a stormy weather, and the captain (prime minister) needs help,” he said.
“Now he has already marked out the most important crew (ministers) like the engineers and navigators, and he also needs deckhands (backbenchers). So I’m moving across as a deckhand to give help if I’m asked to.
“I have experience being captain of that ship before in 1999 and that ship too was facing such similar conditions. I have some of the coordinates (advice) that I can pass it on to the prime minister if he needs them.
“The prime minister is facing difficult conditions and I think he needs all the help he can get. That is why I’m coming across to help where I can.”


  • Thank you Sir Mekere The Darkest hour has come on PNG and the Storm is fast sinking the ship with water. The Move is a blessing for this nation.

  • Well done, you are a experience Captain and we are confident you would provide the best advice needed to our new captain. Congratulations.

  • God Almighty is bringing the right team on-board to run PNG. He hears a prayer of a righteous man like Elijah in the Bible. Lets continue to pray for our leaders in the Government.

  • A true test of leadership is shown in how well one functions in a crisis; Sir Mekere, well done!, Hon. Marape will be blessed with your expertise and support.

  • Thanks Sir Meck for the move & Hon. Prime Minister JM for allowing MM to your crew.

    Sir Mek is an experienced captain and surely Sir Mek will guide you and provide a valuable helping hand to rescue PNG in rough uncharted waters.

  • Sir Mekere; congratulation on your move – you save the MV PNG when was sinking under PNC rule – the toil has taken again by PNC and James Marape is trying to save it – give him your best advise

  • We have been waiting and having faith that such expertise can be voice and now is the time. We can have say but God have a last say.

  • Sir Mekere, thank you for your foresight. PNG need man like you within the Government Ranks to rescue the nation from the current economic situation!

  • Thank you to the opposition members who have a good heart to rescue our country by moving to the government side. This is not the matter for the Government side only, this is a matter for all of us to work together.

  • It’s good, but what will now happen to Moresby North West Electorate. Since Sir Mek was elected as member for Moresby North West there is nothing to show for.

  • Sir MM, must wait until the battle is over and cross over for a hero’s welcome. Sir MM is not the financial wizard to rescue this country, he comes from a province blessed with oil, gas, timber, fisheries and fertile agriculture land and yet is the least developed province in PNG, and after 40 years he has not contributed a economic rescue plan for natural resource benefits for the Gulf Province and it’s people, I find it hard to believe that he will save PNG economy.

  • Crisis create opportunities to bring out hidden talents and this band of new leaders will take back PNG in this economic. Hopefully Hon. Garry Juffa will be consulted often by PM what he meant by his famous catch phrase ‘Take Back PNG’.

  • This is indeed a great news for the country. Let’s all remain positive and look forward for Sir Mekere’s input together with Honorable Namatanai MP Ian Ling-Stuckley

  • Thanks. Our great lord above can bless your heart . Your presence to current would have rescue us (PNG).

  • Thanks to Sir Mek and his team for the support this is the team we need to get PNG back.
    PM you are the chosen leader please join hands with Sir Mek and the team to rescue PNG back that’s what we want .top leaders good thinking.

  • Sir Mek was a real champion and rescuer of this country (1999-2002). Hence, with no doubt he will provide the best advice for captain JM.

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