Morauta, Morata needs water


SHELTER, water and food are basic elements of life.
They are the very fundamental ingredients and necessity for survival.
While every citizens have the above three ingredients, we the people living at Morata, Port Moresby, are desperately in need of water.
We are finding it difficult to cook food, have shower, doing laundry and cooking. Our kids go to school without having a shower.
How on earth can you live without water?
Please, please, Member for Moresby North West Sir Mekere Morauta, use our Provincial Services Improvement Programme (PSIP), District Services Improvement Programme (DSIP) funds to connect water into Morata. For more than 10 years we struggled without water and there is no assistance from National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop’s office or even your office.
We doubt you and Parkop can live without water for a day.
For us at Morata, we can as we lived without water for a decade.
If there is an award to be given to people living without water, I believe it will be to those of us living in Morata.

Water Victim
Morata Area, POM