Morobe MPs must deliver


I WISH to point out to our Morobe MPs  that they must work in harmony to bring development and growth to their electorates and the province as a whole.
Besides Finshhaffen, Markham, and Menyamya, whose MPs have obtained funds outside of DSIP to implement impact road projects in their electorates, nothing of such can be said of the Kabwum, Nawae and Tewae-Siassi.
If MP Dadae (Kabwum), Vice Minister Siniwin (Kabwum) and Minister Zeming (Tewa-Siassi) really want to fight for the struggling rural folks they represent, they must demand a road running through Nawae into Kabwum, and Nawae, Finschhaffen, Kabwum, and Wasu in Tewai Siassi district.
If other government coalition and PNC MPs can manage millions of kina of roads crossing provinces and electoral boundaries, how about you gentlemen?
Morobe Coastal Shipping Service vessel mv Lady Zeming recently bought with taxpayers’ money and managed and operated by people handpicked by the three MPs recently ran onto the reef by a drunken crew.
It has been idle for months, losing business and costing more peoples’ money for maintenance.

Kapi Lok
Kabwum, Morobe