Morobe’s delivery of exams a success: Official


MOROBE was able to deliver a successful grade 10 examination week despite disasters in the province, says an official.
The provincial education adviser, Keith Tangui, said that Morobe was in the midst of a disaster which included flooding and related damage to homes, roads and bridges and gardens, but the provincial education board (PEB) had been able to organise and manage the running of the exams through to the delivery of exam papers to schools on time.
Tangui said the movement of exam papers was not the only success in the examination period but the schools in disaster areas managed to equip and accommodate students on school grounds ensuring all students sat their exams.
“I would like to thank the fellow teachers, inspectors, education managers and everyone who contributed one way or the other to transporting the exam papers safely to locations,” he said.
“The scattered and disadvantaged schools were the ones we were worried about, but everything is going according to the plan.”
The provincial examination coordinator, Boniface Lausie, said a total of 6,650 students in Morobe sat their grade 10 examinations and the exams operations in the province went well.