Most PNGTA staff not turning up for work: President


ALMOST all PAPUA New Guinea Teachers Association (PNGTA) employees based in Port Moresby have not been turning up for work for the last five weeks, newly-elected president Aita Senengkepe says.
He said about 17 Port Moresby-based employees out the 33 PNGTA employees nationwide did not turn up for work since he took office.
“I have formally invited them to come for work but they refused so PNGTA have been operating with casual staff,” he told The National.
He said he believed that they did not show up for work because they preferred working under the former PNGTA executives rather than the newly-elected ones.
He did not say whether operations were affected or what the 17 employees did as PNGTA employees but rather stated that he was ready to work and “clean up the mess” that was left by the former executives.
He said a press conference today would address issues with PNGTA employees not attending work.
“I am still waiting on them to resume work, but if they do not then I will start putting them off payroll by the next week.”
Senengkepe made the remarks yesterday when he presented a cheque of K7,000 to officers from the Education Department’s inspection division.


  • If true then; why am I paying PNGTA? I live and work in mosquito-infested leaking Kunai roof, sweating under the burning sun, showering the downpours, rough seas, navigating floods, to keep these PNGTA workers’ bread and butter on the table to enjoy 24-hour electricity, TV, Newspaper, bus rides to and from work while I walk 3km daily to go to a classroom. You people out there have not tasted the real-life and sacrifices we make to keep your pockets refueled every 2nd week. You should be fighting for remote teachers more than thinking about your own pot bellies. PNGTA enough is enough do something…… Contributor for 25 plus years and just about leaving this force…Those Corrupt PNGTA union officials and their workers; may you be cursed…….

  • That’s stupidity at it’s best. How can you be still paying them, when they have not been attending work? Just put them off the payroll immediately.

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