MP plans to visit all villages

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HISTORY has shown that once people get elected as MPs, they hardly visit remote villages, let alone deliver on their election promises, in their electorates.
That has been common experience in PNG and North Fly district in Western was no different.
However, it does take someone with intimate connections with his people and the place to give people some hope that they are not forgotten. A visit would be inspiring and encouraging.
But doing that isn’t that easy in this country with rugged terrain, rough roads and transportation difficulties.
Take Western for example.
It would take someone with a lot of courage to visit the locals in remote areas.
North Fly MP James Donald is keen to do more after having visited some of the most remote villages in his electorate after official engagements away from his people.
Donald said patrolling remote and isolated parts of the district brought mixed emotions to his heart – it was exciting to visit new parts for the first time, thrilling to see people living so courageously and fighting to live, joyful to see them happy despite them having so little yet sad to see desperate situations worsen.
Speaking from his own experience, the North Fly MP said what most villagers appreciated about his visit was seeing the presence of their mandated leader at their place even though expectations were not delivered.
“I have a routine schedule that we will make it our business to visit all villages in each LLG. Our strategy is we will not inform you when we are coming, come there without your notice and it’s my duty to do that because you have done your part in voting for me,” Donald said.
He said for the record he had visited Indonesia, slept at Komokpin, Ambaga, Brimkamba and Butmabin.
“I have walked seeing Saisu, Mohomnai, Runai, Hawanai, Tmoknai, Somoekwankia.
“I have flown by helicopter to Tegena, Fuma, Huya, Dodomona, Dahamo, Biangabip, and Debepari villages.”
He said he would continue to do walking, sleep and eat with village people and continue to have those engagements so his people could feel his presence.
Donald, who is part Debepari in Nomad, Gasuke in Kiunga Rural and Dahamo in Olsobip LLGs within North Fly, said he stood by his motto of making a difference, touching the untouched, reaching the unreached and serving the unserved.