MP: Police plan to use drones, phone app to tackle crime


DRONE technology and a mobile phone application designed to report crime are some plans police have in addressing law and order and the gun issue in the country, Police Minister Bryan Kramer says.
Kramer said this on the FM100 talk back show yesterday.
He said a full time engagement with the community was needed to help solve the gun issue in the country.
“Police don’t just drive there and drive back. If it’s a serious issue of guns in that community, drones, a specialised unit will be deployed, community engagements will be stepped up, we’ll focus not only on going after the person with the gun, we’ll focus on engaging with the community and winning their trust,” he said.
Kramer said police would work with communities to ensure there were no guns kept posing a risk to the people.
He said police would pursue people with guns using community help and the latest technology to identify and track down people with illegal firearms. “That’s the plan long term. It’s not easy but we are fixing the executive structure of the police force and we’re going to start seeing significant inroads into that space towards end of this year, and starting early next year,” he said.
“We will go aggressively on the gun culture issue in the Highlands. On the second issue it has to do with the community.
“Under the station of excellence we are looking at an electronic application where designated people within their community, law and order committees, pastors will have a phone and trained on how to report crime. Now, most victims of crime, women and children, cannot get to a police station.
“So they know in their neigbourhood the designated people.”