MPs becoming rich, people remain poor


WELCOME to Papua New Guinea, a country where everyone wants to be prime minister.
The court of disputed returns seem to be the favourite option for unsuccessful candidates who jeopardise service delivery.
The vote-of-no-confidence is the Opposition’s opportunity to topple any government they wish to.
Political instability is very common in PNG.
While many are battling poverty, our politicians are becoming millionaires overnight.
Some don’t have proper qualifications, but are becoming rich and powerful.
PNG is a land of milk and honey for outsiders.
If you want to become an overnight millionaire, try politics.
It is taking almost five to six years to arrest and charge corrupt MPs, however, it is taking police just a day to arrest ordinary citizens.
It seems that PNG has two sets of laws – one for ordinary citizens and the other for politicians, government officials and those who have power.

Jordan Ole,