Namah supports death penalty

National, Normal

The National, Friday 19th April 2013

 THE opposition has called for the death penalty to be implemented to “eradicate senseless and barbaric killings rampant throughout the highlands region and Bougainville”.

Opposition leader Belden Namah said in a statement that the gruesome killings of people suspected of practising witchcraft recently warranted the need to introduce the death penalty. 

The death penalty is law in PNG and there are prisoners on death row but has never been implemented.

Namah said: “The introduction of the death penalty will deter pay-back and tribal fighting in the country. It will also reduce the chronic crime rate at public hot-spots considered as haven. 

“Last week at Gordon market bus stop in Port Moresby, we witnessed the stabbing of a junior high school student who eventually died and also the murder of an Australian male tourist in Western Highlands followed by the raping of his girlfriend.

“The government must be critical in setting the right direction for Papua New Guinea in as far as the protection of our citizens, the investors and tourists, is concerned.

“The question must be asked why this country continues to be held at ransom by wayward and irrational people who do not have any care for life.

“When a life is taken, it can never be replaced. 

“Therefore this country must introduce the death penalty that will curb the ongoing senseless killings that is in occurrence all over the country.”

Namah also noted the alarming increase of inmates at Correctional Services facilities.

“On record, a successful economy is always built on effective security policy models and therefore by opting to introduce the death penalty, we will erase fear among citizens, investors, tourists and it will also encourage local business participation. 

“At the same time it will instil fear in the potential perpetrators now and in the future,” he said.