New SIM date

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MOBILE phone SIM card registration has been extended to the 23rd of this month.
The deadline was Sunday, Dec 31, and acting Prime Minister Charles Abel is supporting the extension.
“The extension to 23 January, 2018 will minimise the potential for disruptions to phone users while ensuring network security is enhanced,” Abel said in a statement.
“Mobile phones are now an essential part of our daily lives, for our jobs, with our families and for contacting emergency services.”
Abel has been in consultation with the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and Energy Sam Basil, who received advice from the National Information and Communications Technology Authority (Nicta) on the registration deadline extension.
“Basil and I have considered the issues surrounding the SIM card registration regulation and I am fully aware of the implications of registration deadline,” he said.
“Attorney-General Davis Steven, advised that the Government is further mindful of cases filed by citizens in the National Court, raising the issue of the reasonableness of the registration deadline on citizens in remote and rural areas.
“The Government will continue to maintain consultation with communities in remote and rural areas to enact solutions so that people are not inconvenienced.
“We must do what we can to ensure people have access to the network around the country, while at the same time ensuring security on the network.
“We are also hosting Apec this year and we have to ensure security is at the highest levels in all areas.”
Abel said it is concerning that an extension has been sought when the legislated requirement of having all SIM cards registered was known.
“The Government appreciates that Nicta has given reasonable time for compliance and is looking forward for the completion of this process,” he said.
“When unregistered phones are cut off, not only will the customers be inconvenienced, but these companies will lose millions of kina in revenue.