Northern treasury office closed


BASIC government service delivery mechanisms and systems in Northern has deteriorated to a record low that the citizens are lost as to what is happening.
Is it because of the forthcoming general election or the government has no money for the province?
The Public Accounts system was announced operational since February but sadly, the announcement has not trickled down to the Northern treasury.
The main gates of the treasury office are currently chained and locked since the closing of accounts in December.
The provincial budget officer and his team can never get their budget correct, reflecting their incompetence.
The province is at a standstill due to the treasury office still being closed.
Some public servants capitalise on the dilemma and enjoy the longest holidays starting from the festive seasons in December.
Professionalism and work-ethics is visibly non-existent and public servants enjoy paid fortnightly salaries for numerous no-shows and are never disciplined.
Unlike the private sector, there is no key performance indicator’s (KPI’s) to measure work performance for employment benefits.
One wonders if this is a breach of the Public Service Management Act.
I appeal to the Public Service Department secretary to investigate and establish normalcy in Northern.
Hopefully my good Governor will take note of this letter.
Thank you Prime Minister James Marape for your recent visit to Popondetta.
The visit revolutionised the public servants and all manned their workstations and amazingly enough, their spouses and family members were seen with brooms and rakes cleaning up the town.
A very unfamiliar sight in the province.
Service providers in the province are still waiting for their payments, year after year with the never-ending “Hopefully next week” promises which has slightly changed from the local dialect “evuto” meaning tomorrow.
The people of Northern need to come out of their comfort zones and see our wantoks across the border at Milne Bay.
They are way ahead in infrastructure development and planning, Alotau is more developed than Popondetta.
A plea to the good Northern Governor and the provincial administrator, we need our Treasury office open so we can see the basic government services delivered to the population.

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