Not easy to remove Sir Michael

Letters, Normal

Political punters are betting on one of two outcomes when Parliament sits today – who will be the next PM or will it still be Sir Michael Somare.
It is now public knowledge that the Sir Mekere Morauta-led opposition intends to move a no-confidence motion.
Politics in PNG is always fluid and is a numbers game, among other factors.
Sir Mekere knows very well that he is up against a tough veteran who knows how to play the game.
Party policies, whilst important, are a secondary.
Among the incentives, the carrot to attract weak-willed MPs will be cash gifts or promises of certain ministries.
To beat Sir Michael, Sir Mekere must have the required numbers before parliament sits today. 
If he fails, his chances of removing a perceived dictator will not happen. 
Many NA insiders have long secretly fear that the PM may do something stupid that could seriously threaten the party’s internal stability now that the pressure is on for his job.
Many members feel threatened that in a 11th hour surprise move, Sir Michael will forget the country’s national interest and give the top job to his own favourite person and damn his party deputies. 
This may not be possible under party constitution. 
If it were to happen, then it would be a political suicide for the man who has stayed too long in PNG politics.
But one thing is clear, the opposition has not told the nation why it should be in government and what it will give as the “alternate government”.

Reginald Renagi