OC joins public solicitor to challenge execution delay


THE Ombudsman Commission has affiliated with the Public Solicitor to challenge the Constitutional validity of the unreasonable delay of the execution of prisoners who are awaiting death sentences.
On Nov 12, the Supreme Court granted the Ombudsman Commission’s application to join as a party to the constitutional reference filed by the Public Solicitor in March.
The reference filed by the Public Solicitor raised constitutional questions relating to the constitutional validity of the delay in the execution of death penalty.
In a statement released by the Ombudsman Commission, it stated that its involvement will help review the questions raised on the issue of death penalty and if there are issues, it will make applications to amend the reference.
The death penalty is provided in the Criminal Code and it is an exception to the right to life in the constitution.
However, the right to freedom from inhuman treatment under the constitution should also be considered against the death penalty and the long delays, the statement said.
The Ombudsman Commission and the Public Solicitor are two authorities recognised under the Constitution to bring constitutional references to the Supreme Court on questions relating to the constitutional validity of the a law or proposed law.