O’Neill and Momis would discuss referendum


PRIME Minister, Peter O’Neill is expected to meet with Autonomous Bougainville Government President Dr John Momis, and Bertie Ahern, at the Joint Supervisory Board meeting in Port Moresby today to discuss issues relating to the referendum in Bougainville.
O’Neill in a statement said the purpose of the discussion was to advance the goodwill and desire for stability that “we all have for Bougainville.”
“We will have the opportunity to review the work that is progressing to enable a referendum to take place in Bougainville this year in accordance with the Peace Agreement.
“There is a lot of work ahead of us, but there is a shared determination that the future of our people in Bougainville continues to improve and move on from the conflict of the past.”
O’Neill said the appointment of Ahern as Chair of the Bougainville Referendum Commission by the joint supervisory body would bring significant understanding to the table on the challenges that lay ahead.
“Bertie Ahern has significant experience in peace building,” O’Neill said.
“This is both as prime minister of Ireland during a difficult time for his country, and as a peace mediator in international conflicts.
“His engagement is greatly appreciated in guiding the Bougainville Referendum Committee to deliver a successful resolution of the issues in Bougainville.
As Ireland’s prime minister from 1997 to 2008 Ahern was deeply involved in the successful negotiations of the Good Friday Agreement between the British and Irish Governments, and the political parties in Northern Ireland in April 1998.