Our leaders and politicians lack integrity

Letters, Normal

I have never seen so many condolence messages in both our dailies.
When I flipped through the pages, they are filled with condolence messages for Sir Brian Bell.
I believe there would have been more advertisements if not for the limited pages in our two dailies.
In my opinion, Sir Brian broke the record even after death.
The expression in the papers tells the story itself.
It comes down to integrity and this is one story we have to tell the world – how he lived.
Integrity is something money cannot buy.
My message to all the old and young leaders and politicians is this, you will not live beyond 100 years.
You have some years remaining on your clock and when you leave this world, there is nothing but a little story to tell about who you are.
You will not be able to take anything with you, naked you came naked you return.
If you leave behind a story like Sir Brain, then you are worth living in this world.
The people of this nation have a good story to tell to the new generation.
I look forward to seeing a politician receiving an honour like Sir Brian.


Melex Phil
Port Moresby