Over to you, Sir Puka


CAN Bougainville Affairs Minister Sir Puka Temu come clear on the future of Bougainville after the Referendum?
The people of Bougainville will go to the polls on Nov 23 and the polls end on Dec 7. The results will be declared on Dec 20.
If the majority vote for Independence, Sir Puka said the Government will have the final say.
Why will the Government have the final say in dictating the Bougainvillians’ decision if they voted for Independence?
This will be an insult to Bougainvillians.
There is no need for the Papua New Guinea Government to make a final decision.
Sir Puka stated, after the result of referendum, the result will be brought to Parliament for deliberation.
But, the point is, if the results show the majority of Bougainvillians voted for Independence, why is there a need for the Government to make a final decision in Parliament?
This really needs to be clarified by Sir Puka before we all go for voting.

Kieta Mangi