Paga Hill settlers agree to relocate, state conditions

Main Stories, National

The National, Wednesday February 26th, 2014


THE Paga Hill settlers have agreed to respect the National Court’s decision and relocate if land, water and power are provided and Paga Hill Development Company has welcomed the decision.

PHDC spokesperson Stanley Liria said the call by the settlers, led by youths and a faction of settlers, was a step forward.

“Since we started proposing development for the site 18 years ago, we have always said that we wanted to achieve a harmonious relocation of the settlers,” he said.

He acknowledged the number of demands made by the settlers in return for relocation but said the group should be aware that PHDC had no legal obligation to provide a relocation solution as the company had a valid title and possession orders to Paga Hill.

“We are happy to meet with this new representative group and discuss their demands,” Liria said.

“We have publicly stated that PHDC will provide a relocation solution for Paga Hill settlers.

“We will honour the commitment with a gift of a 14ha portion of land at 6-Mile for them.”