Parkop’s initiative is a wakeup call for all

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday October 22nd, 2013

 IT is good to see some members of parliament supporting the betel nuts ban but this is the initiative of Governor Powes Parkop.  

And what is theirs for their electorates and provinces?

The governors of Central, Gulf and Oro are supporting the ban in the capital, but most of the betel nuts found in Port Moresby originate from their provinces and the growers or suppliers are actually their constituents who are commercially engaged in the buai business. 

So what are their alternatives and fallback plans for them?

The people who are involved in the betel nuts trade did not come into NCD yesterday to conduct their businesses.  They were here many years ago.

Attraction of the bright lights of the city could be one reason but they were initially pushed into the city because of lack of adequate services. 

Inaccessible road conditions, nil medical supplies, lack of basic education services, lack of social and economic opportunities, insufficient clean water, deteriorating law and order, the list goes on.  

These and others are certainly the contributing factors or the push and pull factors that compelled these people to move to the towns and cities. 

So, it is good that they have thrown their support behind Governor Parkop, however, have they looked at their own backyards to see if all the above listed services and others are functioning, and their district and rural-based public servants are stationed at their places to serve the people?

If so, then they can support the NCD governor’s initiative knowing very well that those people who are displaced from their betel nuts business will now go back to their rural settings and live comfortably.

It is easy to impose the ban on the betel nuts trade in NCD overnight, but it takes milestones to bring real developments and services to the areas.

I am not dumb and I know that towns and cities are for educated and qualified people to live and serve their employment sectors and so forth, but these little people have been here prior to any adverse or control policies we devise.  

They are citizens of our country and thus deserve the right to be served with due diligence.

My challenge to all MPs is to make the theme for  2014 and beyond “go rural”, and concentrate on bolstering services to rural areas.

Port Moresby is the nation’s capital, and Papua New Guineans are drifting to the city to conduct their activities due to the government’s centralised financial management policies and service orientation.

Do not blame the citizens for the filth and lawlessness. 

Blame the educated, policy makers, legislators and the self-servingleaders. 

