People losing confidence in govt


LET us make this our personal business to elect good leaders.
Good governance and the rule of law create sense of security and wellbeing.
Corruption, lawlessness, untrustworthy politicians, unfair government services, significant discrimination, insider dealing, and so forth create unhappiness.
Studies confirm that across that people feel happier and satisfied with life when people trust the government.
Unfortunately, people do not trust the government to be honest, fair and reliable.
PNG’s one of those countries where people have completely lost confidence in the government.
We will divorce our powers to the people whom we believe will represent us well and onus is on elites to inform and advocate voters.
Voters’ education is as important as candidates’.
The mandated leaders will then team up with a political party to form the next government.
This is the only place in this land that makes laws and policies for our benefit or to our detriment.
When you cast your votes remember that you are not only voting for your MP or governor but also a party to form the next government.
To each one of us who will be going into polls, take this time to think about the future.
Look around you, there is a child, the fruit of your love, a family that needs you, a community looking up to you and a beautiful nation that depends on your votes.
Your votes are your voice for the silent majority.
Your vote, your voice, our better future.

Alexander Kaupa