People need food, not hausman

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday October 23rd, 2015

 I AM prompted to write regarding the National Alliance Party leaders opening of their “hausman” at Watangbung in Daulo District, Eastern Highlands. Although I am from that province and it is our tradition  as Chuave MP Wera Mori mentioned, I do not agree with this idea. Instead, the NA leaders should discourage this type of gatherings, whether it be for any type of party or ceremonies, bride price and hausman for the politicians. The reason is that already our people are facing severe drought in the Highlands region and PNG as a whole where there is no food or little to eat and no good drinking water. One question the NA leaders should ask before putting up the hausman is: “Where will the poor people collect food and water to feed those that are coming to the hausman? If NA wants to get numbers then this is the time to get your act together, show your true leadership if you have the heart for the people and feed them in this time of disaster and suffering.  

Deuwari Kavintati, Port Moresby