People rely on betel nut


SELLING betel nut is the fastest way of earning income in Papua New Guinea.
Betel nut selling is a job for jobless.
It’s easy and very fast.
In PNG 70 to 80 per cent of the people are uneducated.
Out of these, many depend on selling betel nut and few sell garden products.
And selling betel nut is the only way to survive.
These are reasons why our people sell betel nuts:

  • TO raise money to pay school fees;
  • RAISE money to pay rent;
  • RAISE money to pay medical supplies;
  • RAISE money to help other people;
  • RAISE money to buy food;
  • RAISE money for future plans; and,
  • Many more reasons.

We Engans do not grow betel nuts, but we buy from coastal people especially in Sepik, Morobe, Madang and Oro.
Banning of betel nut sales in will cause a lot of social problems.
Majority of the people do not have other alternatives to earn their living.
Betel nut selling is the only way that we earn money. If the provincial government ban betel nut in the province, people will be lazy.
If the provincial government want to ban betel nut they should create job opportunities too or look for another alternatives so people can get support.
We do not want the provincial government to stop us from making our living. Give freedom to people of Enga.

Lupzon Kenowai LK,


  • Betelnut selling is for the lazy people. Please work on your God given land, sweat, get your hands dirty and you will be blessed.

  • If you make an assessment, one percent are betel nut sellers, 99% don’t want betel nut in the province, the visit by CORONA VIRUS in this season is bringing a big change into the province, & into the Nation, we are appreciative of the decision the Governor has made to ban this which is creating laziness, unhygienic market places,and poor impression by visiting tourist etc. Kenowai should teach his people how handle spade to dig the ground,plant anything to pay for school fee, pay relent, pay for medical & many others you mentioned. when you work hard there is always blessings,,,,,,,,

  • “Selling betel nut is the ONLY way to survive”????? Our ancestors have been survivors on their land for ages. What a lame excuse for being lazy.
    There are more ways to survive in this tropical paradise with abundant rainfall from heaven and rich fertile soil.
    Betelnut creates-
    lazy people; dirty and unhygienic places, dirty and stained oral health and worse on the list is oral cancer.
    Bottom line: betel nut degrades our human quality in the eyes of foreigners, especially white people. Its a dirty and filthy habit. Let the coastal people practice cos its their culture. Highlanders, please stop it.

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