Personal viability helping people


THE Weekender’s “Second generation Stret Pasin Stoa” in the last three weeks were very interesting.
It is getting the message across to the nation that there is an alternative home-grown business class education system that I believe will help a lot of dropouts, unemployed youths and reduce petty crimes and violence on the streets.
The priority is to eliminate poverty in families.
I have been told all my life to study well and find a job to look after my family.
I’ve been made to believe that if I don’t get a job, I am useless to my family and a disgrace in my community.
That was the only education system I knew.
Unfortunately, this system has failed me and many other thousands of youths every year because of the reality that there are no jobs out there.
In 2018, I attended the Human Development Institute (HDI) and learnt about the personal viability business scheme by Papa Sam (founder of Stret Pasin Stoa and personal viability business scheme).
This alternative education has helped me and my family.
We are already implementing the Second Generation Stret Pasin Stoa, but instead of a “stoa,” it is the personal viability of each of us that is helping us succeed in life and business.
I want everyone to learn how to invest in themselves and take back PNG.
I hope investors will join us and move it forward.
We would like to invite them to attend our meet-and-greet event on July 20 at HDI 6-Mile.
They have the opportunity to see and experience the real life changes in people who have come through this education system.
If not, we will continue.
If Papa Sam developed this alternative education system specially designed for Papua New Guineans, I believe we will make it happen for ourselves.

Winsome Nenewa,
HDI PVBS Level 4 Praxis,
Port Moresby