PIH opens clinic in city


THE Pacific International Hospital (PIH) has opened another new clinic in Port Moresby to provide checkups and primary health care to the people in Central and National Capital District.
Chief executive officer Col Sunil Prabhu told The National that the building located in the Red Sea Housing company cost around K100,000 to build into a clinic.
“We are trying to bring healthcare closer to the people and enable quality facilities for them,” he said.
Prabhu said the services would include health checkups and primary health care and would include sample collections and record keeping for all patients as well.
He said this was a way to fulfill the development plans of PIH which was to open three more clinics to bring to seven the number of clinics in Port Moresby.
“We are happy as we have a presence in this area where instead of people travelling to town they could just use the services here.”
He added that PIH also did community services such as free cost contract services for the community, a public patient programme in which gave 50 per cent discounts on services for government workers.
“They need to have a medical registration number from the government clinic and we provide them 50 per cent on every clinic visit,” he said.
He added that PIH took on 20 third year students from Divine Word University’s health science school and University of PNG medical school for practical experience annually.