Pioneer students sit for exam


A HUNDRED and sixteen Grade 12 students from Kundiawa Lutheran Day Secondary School will be the first from that school to sit for the written expression examination today.
They will join more than 12,000 Grade 12 students throughout the country to sitting for the examination.
Deputy principal administration John Bungo, curriculum and language, and literature teachers Cathy Teine and Cathy Bungo, urged the students yesterday to do well and make the school proud.
Teachers from all secondary schools in Chimbu gathered at Kundiawa Lutheran Day Secondary School and sorted themselves into invigilation teams to conduct the exams. Hope PNG national president Dr Wemin Olmi Jr made a commitment to sponsor the dux award for pioneer Grade 12 students during their graduation.
Olmi Jr said Hope PNG would continue to sponsor the dux award for the top Grade 12 students of the school in years. He presented them with a cake and wished them well.
“Education is your life and you’ve got to guard it well,” Olmi Jr said. “Treasure what you learn from your teachers and other sources.
“Life without education nowadays is useless and miserable. Grade 12 is the most important stage in your journey towards education.”