PNG is a Christian nation: Rev


CHRIST Church chairman Rev Joseph Walters says people cannot deny the fact that Papua New Guinea (PNG) was declared a Christian nation.
“We were living in our 1,000 tribal groups inhabiting mountains, valleys, jungles and thousands of scattered islands in a nation now called PNG,” he said.
“We were involved in idol worshipping, worshipping of spirits of ancestral gods and deities, holding festivals and ceremonial worshipping and paying homage to spirit creatures until foreigners brought the Bible and Christian faith.
“The word of God became the glue that brought and held the nation together for several hundreds of years and the Constitution is based on the Christian faith and beliefs.”
Rev Walters was responding to The National report recently on the Government’s decision to review the declaration of PNG as a Christian nation.
He said the Christian faith had brought many positive changes to the nation, including education, health and spiritual and civilisation progress.
Rev Walters said PNG’s first prime minister, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, signed a covenant with the God of Israel in 2017 and dedicated the nation to God in a prayer denouncing worship of other gods or deities and declared that the country should worship only the God of Israel.
He said Parliament voted unanimously to place an original version of the Bible in Parliament chamber.
“The points I have raised leaves the nation unquestionable proof that was only proper that PNG be recognised as an official Christian nation,” Rev Walters said.