PNG struggling with pandemic


PAPUA New Guinea is one of the struggling developing countries in the world who is trying to cope with the tide of the developed countries.
PNG has been struggling with development issues for a very long time and has not in one bit overcome this problem.
The country went into lockdown in March due to the Covid-19 threat which lasted for two weeks and has triggered a dawn of a new health era for PNG.
The public went silent, streets empty and the towns and cities became ghost towns – fear swept across the country.
Betel nut, gaming activities and alcohol sale in cities and towns and agents of crime were roped by the neck and hanged.
Mamas and papas at betel nut sale hotspots and markets were dispersed.
Crowded and unnecessary gatherings were reduced.
People have seen something new (and good) in a very long time.
After the lockdown, mass awareness on hygiene protocols by the government through various mediums led the people to practise health measures which was now called the ‘new normal’.
These health measures are everyday activities that should have already been a daily routine for individuals.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought this country up to a new stage in a very short period of time.
People are now cautious and vigilant when moving around.
Places that were once filthy and scrupulous are now clean.
Institutions have shifted and approached a more advanced operating system.
This Covid-19 threat has completely changed the phase and face of this country.
It will be worthy if the government continues to implement some of the state of emergency sanctions after the national emergency.
The pandemic is helping us realise that we will not develop only by building high rise buildings and underground tunnels but by appreciating the importance of trivial matters we tend to ignore in life.

E. Ulach,