PNG’s stand on Russia not in line with policy


PAPUA New Guinea’s pledge to support the United Nations in condemning Russia in its invasion on Ukraine by the Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Max Rai is preposterous as it is not in line with our foreign policy.
PNG pursues a passive and friendly engagement with other countries on friends to all and enemy to none” relations.
Rai is merely presenting the current government’s position, but again, that contradicts Prime Minister James Marape’s announcement in Oct 16, 2019, that as far as foreign policies are concerned, we maintain the
good policy anchored in 1975, that we are friends to all and enemies to none.
The Ukraine-Russia conflict on sovereign and territorial integrity goes beyond what the Western-controlled media and the United Nations postulate when we look carefully at this issue in the context of history,
geopolitics and security.
It’s best for PNG to avoid taking steps that mean nothing on actions taken by superpowers that will result in bigger tensions.
It is important that we adopt prudent and careful approaches when addressing other countries’ matters.
We have to be careful about compromising our own national interest and security.
Former prime ministers Peter O’Neill and the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare understood geopolitics and opened many new doors in various frontiers for trade, investment, cultural exchange, education and others.

David Lepi