Police issue warning to Nawaeb landowners: Be careful


POLICE have warned landowners in Nabak, Nawaeb, Morobe, to take precautions when giving out land to outsiders who want to come and settle there.
Morobe police commander Superintendent Alex N’Drasal advised them to make certain rules which should be followed by the settlers.
“They must put up terms and conditions that those settlers have to follow,” he said.
N’Drasal said without the conditions, settlers would do what they want, causing inconvenience to the community and the landowners.
He was commenting on the killing of a police officer last Wednesday night at Hobu in Nabak who was responding to a call for assistance.
Police officers later burnt down six homes, two trade stores and some bush-material houses belonging to the settlers.
N’Drasal said landowners had to set down strict rules for the settlers.
“A lot of settlers around Lae City are causing a lot of problems and that have resulted in deaths and robberies,” he said.
He said it showed that they should eradicate the squatter settlements.
He plans to discuss the matter further with the landowners.