Police monitoring Wau unrest

Alex N’Drasal

MORE than 50 police officers were deployed last week to Wau, Bulolo, Morobe, to contain an unrest there between settlers from Waria, in Wau, and landowners from Bianghai, an official says.
Morobe police commander Supt Alex N’Drasal said the deployment came after a youth from Bianghai was allegedly killed by some youths from Waria two weeks ago.
He said the alleged killing and the fight came after a girl from Bianghai was attacked and stripped naked after she refused to surrender her belongings.
“In return, the brother of the girl and others retaliated but, unfortunately, the brother of the girl was killed,” Supt N’Drasal said.
He said four youths from Waria and three from Bianghai were wounded in the fight and admitted to Angau Hospital last week. Supt N’Drasal said police in Wau managed to contain the situation.
But youths then mobilised and burned down houses and destroyed property requiring police reinforcements to be sent in to contain the escalating situation in Wau.
Supt N’Drasal said the situation in Wau was under control last weekend when the additional officers arrived.
He said both groups had ongoing tensions over the years from conflicts and disputes which had cost lives and destruction of property.
Supt N’Drasal said an investigation team had been sent to investigate the arson, murder and the grievous bodily harm cases from the fight.
“The fight is not a new thing,” he said. “On previous occasions we have witnessed fights among these two rival groups and it is all about land.”
Supt N’Drasal said previous conflicts had not been properly resolved and this had contributed to tensions between the two groups.
He called on landowners of Wau town in Bulolo and the people of Waria settling in Wau to respect each other and the business houses there.
Supt N’Drasal said both parties should respect the work of the police in maintaing peace and harmony in the Wau township to build business and public confidence.
He said police in Wau had been instructed to bring leaders from the two groups together to negotiate for lasting peace to stop the unrest.

One thought on “Police monitoring Wau unrest

  • One death get 50 police
    Lavongai Island’s 100 death NIL!!!!

    Equal opportunity and development was promised in Constitution

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