POMRFL remains optimistic


THE Port Moresby Rugby Football League (POMRFL) says it is confident of kicking off the 2021 season despite a tentative date for kick-off yet to be announced.
POMRFL administrator Meke Maino said the league had kicked off talks with the PNG Sports Foundation’s (PNGSF) pandemic management committee.
“POMRFL had written to PNGSF earlier in the month, seeking clearance to start the 2021 season,” he said.
“Initially, we had planned to have our season running shortly after kick-off of the Digicel Cup season which would have started two weeks ago.
“Unfortunately, a debacle with a Covid-19 case has led to the delay of the season and because of that delay, almost all sports and competitions in the country are affected, including POMRFL.”
Maino said the league would continue with its administrative preparations for the season and he urged clubs and players to follow the Covid-19 protocols while awaiting announcements.
“POMRFL will brief its delegates again on when the season will start,” he said.
“But in the meantime, we expect club officials to run training under the ‘new normal’ guidelines set by PNGSF. We expect everyone to conduct training under the Covid-19 guidelines because it will take the efforts of everyone involved to kick off the season.”