Port Moresby roadworks irks governor


DIGGING up roads that are in good condition in Port Moresby is unnecessary and should not be encouraged, Gulf Governor Chris Haiveta says.
He questioned Works and Implementation Minister Michael Nali in Parliament yesterday on the standards and policies of road maintenance and wondered why some roads in good order like the one from Burns Peak were being dug up for upgrading and reconstruction.
Haiveta said good roads being dug up for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit was not good enough as money spent there was needed to upgrade some other roads in very poor condition.
“Like the road from Malalua to Bereina is in a very deteriorating state and I want the Works minister to clarify what are the standards and policies that are being used to upgrade and maintain roads in the country?” Haiveta said.
Nali said roads built were of standards accepted internationally.
“But the fact is that we don’t apply the same standards to all roads in the country because some roads service bigger loads and traffic while others don’t, costs also increase with the standards,” he said.
“But for the Burns Peak road, it is with the National Capital District Commission and that is a project they are implementing.”