Potape: Change authority laws

National, Normal

The National, Thursday July 25th, 2013


KOMO-Magarima MP Francis Potape has called on the Government to review laws guiding the operation of the special purpose authorities in project areas.

He said millions of kina in public funds were paid to these authorities but they were operating and funding projects in isolation and not in line with Joint District Planning and Budget Priority Committees’ plans and priorities for development in the district.

He said it was important the authorities work together with the Joint District Planning and Budget Priority Committees so that district plans were realised.

He said under the review, the Joint District Planning and Budget Priority Committee should also approve the projects in the project areas where the authorities were  established so that they were consistent with their plans.

He said the review should also make the district treasurer and the district administrator’s signatories.

He said that the authorities should be made accountable and make reporting compulsory to the district administrators.

Inter-Government Relations Minister Leo Dion said the SPAs were established under the act of parliament for that purpose.

He said under the law, the local level government should be responsible for the SPA and they should consult with the provincial government and the respective Joint District Planning and Budget Priority Committee.