Powes plans to continue city’s transformation


NATIONAL Capital District (NCD) Governor Powes Parkop says he will continue to transform the capital through his six priority areas.
The areas are better health and education for city residents, city cleanliness and health, eliminating gender-based violence, improving the quality of suburbs, upgrading of settlements to suburbs and modernisation of Motu-Koita villages.
“I urge everyone to step up as responsible citizens of the capital city to be productive and positive about the change you are seeing and choosing to take part in any of my six-point agendas of transformation to make a difference,” Parkop said.
He said June had been an extremely busy month with the settling in of the new government and swearing-in of new ministers.
“NCD welcomes the change as every change brings new opportunities to build and develop Port Moresby further, especially to deliver on our six key objectives for the city,” he said.
“I am seeing positive progress and development across all fronts in education, healthcare, housing, investment and business growth and the positioning of Port Moresby as a thriving business hub of the Pacific.”
Parkop said multiple efforts are ongoing and urged everyone to come forward and support the efforts of the local government to make the city a peaceful and liveable place for all.
“Let’s step up, come forward and build the city together, it’s now or never.”