PPL team informs residents about illegal connections


PORT MORESBY residents are slowly reporting to PNG Power Ltd (PPL) about their unregistered power connections, an official says.
PPL set up a desk at the Vision City Mega Mall in Port Moresby on Monday for unregistered electricity consumers to register.
PPL customer service officer Margaret Tovadek said when they started yesterday, about nine people registered.
The set-up at the mall will end on Sunday.
PPL chief executive officer Obed Batia said recently that the amnesty period which would end on Aug 31 was for unregistered users of electricity to properly register with PPL for power connection.
“If you are unregistered and consuming electricity without a PNG Power meter, you are considered an unregistered consumer,” he said.
“This is your opportunity to register without meter, as a new customer for free.”
He said during this period there would be no fees, penalties, charges or back-bills.
The amnesty initiative is targeting electricity supply and reliability.
It is unfair for the consumers to pay for electricity