Preparations for inauguration commended

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Yesterday’s swearing in of Bob Dadae as the 10th governor-general may have been a short and colourful affair, however, it took more than a month to get it right.
Acting Clerk of Parliament Kala Aufa and his deputy Basil Kambuliagen said that after the event, which only comes once every six years, when a new governor-general is sworn in.
“I thought today went very well,” Aufa told The National.
“The swearing-in was just a 10-minute ceremony, but preparations took four to five weeks to get it right.
“That’s what we are all about here – preparations.
“This is the end and I’m happy.”
Aufa commended his staff, the National Judiciary, PNG Defence Force, Police, Correctional Service, Governor-General’s Office, State Protocol  and everyone involved for making the event a success.
He also thanked the MPs who attended.
Kambuliagen said this was his first time to organise such a major event and he was happy with the outcome.
State Protocol chief Morea Veratau gave kudos to those involved for making the event a memorable one.