Prisoners urge Government to improve facilities in Bomana Prison


PRISONERS at Bomana in the National Capital District want the Government to improve facilities there to make life more comfortable for them.
The request was made by Bomana prison board chairman Daniel Wera.
Wera said infrastructure and services needed urgent attention from authorities.
“The main compound has 800 to 1,000 prisoners, plus juveniles and the women’s wing which makes the prison the biggest in the country,” he said.
Despite being located in the capital city, services to the prisoners are not up to standard, Wera claimed.
He is concerned about the welfare of prisoners and told The National that not everyone in there were convicted criminals.
“Some of us are public servants who have status in our respective communities while some are here because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and with wrong people but because we’re all here, we’re regarded as law-breakers,” he said.
“I strongly urge the Government to refurbish our deteriorating cell blocks and improve our meals at the mess.’
“Our prison administration does not have sufficient funds to improve services in here, so we are appealing to the Government for assistance.”
Wera emphasised that as human beings, they also had rights to enjoy proper living conditions and meals.
“Changing and improving their living conditions in prison would help change their mindsets when they are out and back in their communities.”