Prosecution requests to amend Kaiwi’s charge


THE case of Bhosip Kaiwi, charged with the wilful murder of his partner Jenelyn Kennedy, will return today for hearing of the prosecution’s request for an amendment to the charge.
Waigani Committal Court Magistrate Tracy Ganaii adjourned the matter pending submissions.
Police Prosecutor Sgt Joseph Sangam said: “The substantive is wilful murder.
“The status of the matter is that it was adjourned for submissions.
“The file was completed (awaiting prosecution to file submissions) and I will have mine filed today and the copy given to the counsel so we can speak on the submissions as soon as what we are seeking for, for those amendments to be made on the charges.
“Now my friend (Kaiwi’s lawyer) mentioned something about the defendant not allowed to know what charges. Section 32 of the District Court Act, when you read that clearly, it does not talk about big issues, when you do amendments on big issues such as this one. In this case it is the same charge but we are getting rid of one particular element so it does not make any difference at all,” Sgt Sangam said.
Magistrate Ganaii said: “The thing is the prosecutor is talking about some amendments.
“There may be a change of the charges from a serious charge to a less serious charge.”
She said that Sgt Sangam could do two things, either he could withdraw the charge or amend the charge under the law.
“We don’t know until that happens tomorrow (today) so we’ll adjourn to 9.30am,” she said.
Kaiwi, 25, of Minj village, South Waghi, Jiwaka was charged with the wilful murder of Kennedy on June 23 at Korobosea in Port Moresby.
Between June 18 and 23, Kaiwi was alleged to have, tortured her at his home at Section 7, Allotment 6, Pipigari Street, Korobosea. She died on June 23 after five days of assault.


  • if changes are allowed to be made by famillies, then forget the crap about gender based voilences especially against women and girls. the poor girl was abused and died in the hands of someone who was supposed to care for her and her welbeing including her life.

    All life belongs to God and he will pass on final judment.

  • Bosip Kaiwi case has to be dealt with accordingly or beforehand based on the Criminal Code. Thus, it took quite a very long time to handle and is there any more expectations needed for closing stages. If an accused has been charged with wilful murder and the prosecution cannot prove that the accused had no intention to kill, that is wrong. Will watch the decision.

    The killing of his wife without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing his wife with mischievousness aforethought or with negligence demonstrating thrilling frivolity to the value of human life.

    Enoch MacTeine Agyonga
    Giriu Village
    Chuave Chimbu Province

  • Bosip Kaiwi case has to be dealt with accordingly or beforehand based on the Criminal Code. Thus, it took quite a very long time to handle and is there any more expectations needed for closing stages. If an accused has been charged with wilful murder and the prosecution cannot prove that the accused had no intention to kill, that is wrong. Will watch the decision.

    The killing of his wife without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing his wife with mischievousness aforethought or with negligence demonstrating thrilling frivolity to the value of human life.

    Enoch MacTeine Agyonga
    Giriu Village
    Chuave Chimbu Province

  • No, no, no. This case cannot go on like this. God help us. Kaiwi’s case of wilful murder is very serious and had generated great interest and anger in the country Those who are taking up the case should make sure the murderer gets prosecuted and sent to jail. #justice4Jennelyn.

  • Can the police commissioner step in and get the prosecuting officer to compile the briefs quickly, this case is just taking too long, smells fishy

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