Yama in court over contempt


MADANG Governor Peter Yama appeared before Madang National Court judge Vigil Narakobi yesterday to answer his contempt charge filed by Dr Boga Figa and other employees of Ramu Development Foundation (RDF) in 2018.
The court heard that in 2017 Yama, as the Governor of Madang, dismissed employees of the foundation without good reasons.
The employees took the matter to court and the court ruled in their favour, ordering Yama to reinstate them.
But he didn’t and the matter was taken to court again.
According to the complainants’ lawyer Brendon Lai, Yama on two occasions did not appear in court when the matter was set.
Yama told the court that he did not receive any court documents so he did not appear on the dates mentioned – March 23, 2018 and Nov 23, 2019.


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