Prostitutes are humans too


PROSTITUTION is happening in the country. We cannot deny that.
I commend The National and its reporter for highlighting this issue in yesterday’s paper.
Yes they are sex workers.
The fact is this particular sex worker was raped, sodomised, and left to rot on a roadside.
If not for a Good Samaritan, her body would be in the morgue and we might never hear about her ordeal.
This was somebody’s daughter, she is a human being, not an animal.
These perpetrators have to be dealt with by the law.
Why are we blaming these women for the social problems in the country?
These women are merely providing a service for the men.
Men, especially married men should hang their heads in shame for seeking sex from other women.

Mosbi Observer


  • Why toktok planti lo ol meri, sapos nogat demand blo ol man laikim baim kuap bai yumi nogat pamuk meri. IGAT DEMAND SO IGAT MAKET. SHAME ON YOU GUYS, PRETEND TO BE GOOD FATHER AND HUSBAND AT HOME BUT PROSTITUTE WHEN YOU ARE OUT IN THE BROTELS AND CLUBS. Ol man pasim ol bikpla maus na noken toktok, yu mas sem. Sampla blo yupla gat nem lo DINAU KUAP. And its REAL as I am commenting.

  • Nana tok blo yu m trupla tok nogat wanpla man or meri bai tok Nana m ino tru mi sapotim yu lo comment blo yu . but people man na meri yu husait save wokim pamuk pasin ya yu mas tingim olsam life blo yu m stap lo hand blo yu yet cause the job that you a doing is illegal i know you try to make a wage so that you can survive in Urban areas . But On the other hand remember that this job of Prostitutes is illegal na ol man save stillim ol kar na robim ol man meri m illegal to ya tasol yupla ino tingim sait blo ol how ba yumi helpim ol but yupla wok lo toktok strong lo lain wok lo wokim pamuk pasin satp lo helpim ol i dont see any differents here

  • Dinau kuap em bikpla tru insaid lo ol settelemt blong yumi( PNG). Sapos ol man stop lo dinau kuap ba ol
    meri ino nap kam na kros fait long dinau moni blo ol.. Ino dina blo bukim moni nogat , dinau blo kuap..
    PNG is a christian countyr adn we are not living to its standard and principle so PNg Government have to seriously look into this.

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