Province needs LNG development

Letters, Normal

The National, Thursday November 19th, 2015

 THE proposed LNG pipeline from P’Nang Gas Field to interconnect with PNGLNG pipeline (main LNG pipeline from Southern Highlands to Port Moresby) is seen as a cheapest and fastest way to extract our resources from our land (Western Province).

When all LNG in Western Province is depleted, what’s left for the poor people? 

P’Nang gas developers can  build a road for the LNG pipeline from Kiunga-North Fly down to Daru-South Fly, instead of going short-cut. 

Although it’s very expensive given the geography of Western, it will benefit both the LNG developer and the people of Western in short and long term. 

To the clan leaders who are going to attend and sign the agreements with State and developer at the Kiunga P’Nang Gas Forum, do not sign the agreements unless the state and the developer promise in black and white to construct a road from P’ Nang Gas Field to Daru. 

Otherwise, the decision to connect P’ Nang Gas pipeline with PNGLNG pipeline is very unfair to the people of Western Province. 

The hidden economic potential of Western Province needs to be open to the national and international markets and potential investors.


Kia Hore

Kiunga, Western