Province’s deputy mans administration


GULF’s deputy provincial administrator James Hasu is acting provincial administrator while Marc Orisuru Avai is taking his long service leave, Governor Chris Haiveta says.
Hasu is expected to drive some of Gulf’s major programmes such as the public service reforms and the increase in and local level governments as approved by the Department of Inter Government Relations.
Haiveta said the province would host the Papua LNG and the Pasca Gas Field Development forums.
The province, which also hosts big logging projects, will also see the implementation of the ban on the import of round logs, and the increase in downstream processing.
Hasu is also expected to drive the maintenance and refurbishment of public housing and government offices in Kaintiba and Kotidanga government stations.
They have been given portable sawmills to mill timber.
Haiveta said Hasu would also look after the:

  • Rural housing and water catchment programme;
  • Women and SME programme rollout with the National Development Bank; and,
  • Rural electrification programme for villages. Iokea was the first village and completed last December and others.