Public welcomes new bus service


I DISAGREE with the president of NCD Public Motor Vehicle and Taxi Operators Association Jack Waso’s complaints about National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop introducing a new bus service in the city.
Where was this so-called president when we were complaining about the increase in bus fare from K1 to K2?
The unauthorised K2 “direct bus” route is illegal and I hope the president is happy about that.
The Independent Consumer Competition Commission has not authorised these increased fares.
He came out of hibernation and is challenging our good governor who continuously aims to make Port Moresby an amazing city in the Pacific.
Now is the time you repay the people because you PMV operators have been stealing from the people by charging K2.
They can also be put out of business because we want a better, reliable and safe bus service to travel rather than in dirty buses.
Your buses are not clean, your crews are always dirty and they do not even shower.
Some buses have broken seats, owners do not take responsibility to fix them but are interested in getting money from people.
We welcome the new bus service introduced by Parkop and we look forward to more of these in the entire city.

Action Governor of NCD