Ramu NiCo rescue team gets emergency response training


THE Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) is engaging West Australian Emergency Services Training (WEST) and Rescue on a three-week Certificate Three mine emergency response training (ERT) in Madang.
Fourteen members of the company’s emergency rescue team from the Kurumbukari mine and Basamuk refinery are attending the training facilitated by Brad Bull, of WEST Rescue.
WEST Rescue is an Australian nationally-recognised Registered Training Organistion which provides emergency services and rescue training specifically designed for mine-site personnel.
ERT superintendent at Basamuk refinery Venancius Sapak said seven emergency response team personnel were attend the training.
Sapak said some of the areas of training would cover breathing apparatus, Hazmat, entering and working in confined space, working safely in high places, search and rescue, first aid prevention and road crash rescue.
He said training was also in preparation of the national emergency challenge scheduled for next month in Madang.
Sapak and Kurumbukari Mine emergency response training  superintendent Henry Levi are assisting Bull in coordinating the training.