Razed village locals appeal for help

National, Normal

The National, Thursday November 7th, 2013

 MORE than 200 people whose homes and properties were destroyed in a bush fire last month are asking the Government.

The bush fire happened at the South Wiru local level government in Ialibu-Pangia district, Southern Highlands. 

More than 20 houses were razed at Marapini and Kalume villages. 

People lost building materials, beddings, eating utensils, coffee pulpers, dry coffee bags, gardening tools, cash and livestock.

Marapini village youth leader Samson Luru said in Mt Hagen that  the bush fire started at around 11am on Oct 13 while everyone was in church.

Marapini said 14 houses, including the home of Baptist Church Pastor Kulua Kandle and a trade store, were destroyed.

He said the people rushed out of church and ran to their homes but were late to save them because the fire spread very quickly.

He said the 150 villagers, including children, had built tents to live in while they awaited government help.

“Some officers from Pangia visited us to assess the damage but they never returned with relief supplies,” he said.

He said the bush fire destroyed Kalume village, located about 4km away.

“I want to call on Governor William Powi and Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to assist us with beddings, eating utensils, gardening tools and building materials  like saw, hammer and nails.”