Referendum committee meets on Bougainville’s future

National, Normal

The National, Friday November 1st, 2013

 THE Bougainville Referendum Committee recently convened to discuss preparations for the conduct of the Bougainville referendum.

The committee is chaired by the Chief Secretary to Government, Sir Manasupe Zurenuoc.

Sir Manasupe said the committee had a good picture of the administrative and financial issues to conduct the referendum. It is now looking at constitutional and legal issues.

“The committee discussed the report on the review of the autonomy of Bougainville and has mapped out a path to strengthen the autonomy arrangements,” he said.

“The committee is a sub-committee of the joint supervisory body and has the mandate to prepare the Government and Autonomous Bougainville Government for the referendum. “The referendum of Bougainville is guaranteed under the national Constitution and must be held between 2015 and 2020,” Sir Manasupe said. 

The committee comprises the Bougainville chief administrator, Electoral Commission, ABG Autonomy chief executive officer, ABG legal officer, Justice and Attorney-General secretary, provincial and local level governments.