Refocus PNG’s health system


I COMMEND the Government for being proactive in putting preventative measures to combat Covid-19 by declaring a state of emergency (SOE) and 14-day lockdown.
As a retired public servant who served in the Health sector from the colonial era (under the Queensland Government) up to PNG’s independence, I have seen many changes from 1960s up to today.
Our health sector has slowly deteriorated and the Government needs to refocus the health system.
As a concerned citizen, I have some points directed to the Government.

  • HEALTH workers protection paramount.
    Doctors, nurses, HEOs and all other health workers are frontliners who put their lives at risk. The government should protect them by providing personal protective equipment (PPE) and other support. The Government should also prepare to pay risk allowances in the event the virus hits our nation.
  • FOURTEEN-day lock down.
    After the 14-day lockdown which ended on Sunday, there are advantages and disadvantages where the Government needs to weigh before making decisions on future SOEs. The 14-day lockdown should be set as a lesson for the Government to plan and strategise future SOEs for the safety, wellbeing of all business and the people.
  • MONITORING system.
    All foods markets in Port Moresby should be opened except for betel nut which poses a risk. All PMVs in Central and flights from Highlands or other centres who are supplying foods should be allowed entry.
  • GOD almighty is the answer.
    People of this nation and the world over should humble ourselves to God almighty. Come to our knees and admit that we all have misused His resources to benefit ourselves and the world. National prayer and fasting should continue each week going forward
  • SIMPLE hygiene measures should be followed.
    Prevention is better so people should practice simple prevention measures for this new virus and other sicknesses.

Dr Geti Kila
Rt Public Servant (HEO)