Refs, coaches undergo course


THE Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) conducted a coaching and refereeing course at Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby last week.
PNGRFL game development manager Toksy Nema led the coaching course while senior referees Guma Opi and Paul Wani oversaw the refereeing workshop which attracted 32 participants.
Nema focused on the fundamentals of coaching for 16 schools coaches.
He said discipline among coaches and players was important and it started in schools.
“We are the first trainers for students to develop their skills and knowledge,” Nema said.
Among the male participants was Kaugere Primary School coach and former PNG touch international Diane Vetu.
National Capital District Schools Rugby League president Arnold Gende said high-quality coaching was crucial as it would ensure that students were taught the right skills and knowledge.