Remember what’s important


EVERY man will decide what he wants out of his life.
Some will fight so hard to get what they want, and some will go a step further and sacrifice the most precious gift – their life.
But, to work for something that will benefit humanity more than yourself is something worth fighting for.
However, there are some ever-hungry souls who are never satisfied with what they have and give up the most valuable of things (family time, good friendships, dignity, etc) just for power and fortune.
They don’t realise what they’re giving up for the most trivial things.
And when withdrawn, they become an empty version of themselves, even after the acquisition of much material wealth and possessions, things they thought would make them happy and whole.
Such men are dogs who are never satisfied with whatever life has offered to them.
It’s like trying to catch the wind.
So stop, reassess and build your life on what is true and realistic.
Life is too short to be lived in emptiness and triviality.

Emmanuel Wally, Via email